Man created gods in their image .
The god of the bible behaves exactly like there bronze age creators. Just as men can change their minds so can their imagined god.
is 31:yet he also is wise and will bring disaster and does not retract his words.. 1 sam 15: furthermore, the eternal one of israel does not lie or change his mind, for he is not man who changes his mind.. numbers 23: god is not a man who lies, or a son of man who changes his mind.
does he speak and not act, or promise and not fulfill?.
when the god you worship pronounces judgement, is he, really just issuing a warning or has the matter been determined through all the godly powers of insight, foresight and perfect judgement?
Man created gods in their image .
The god of the bible behaves exactly like there bronze age creators. Just as men can change their minds so can their imagined god.
the stated focus of this study article is.
focustraining ourselves to discern the difference between the truth we have learned from jehovah and the falsehoods promoted by satan and our opposers.. of course, the article goes on to claim that the truth is not only in the bible, but also from the watchtower organization.
the first of two qualities needed to discern truth is -.
Control and manipulation
You don't need to do any personal research we have done it for you, trust us we know best .
A high control group at its best.
someone asked the following question to an artificial intelligence (ai) website:.
how does the most translated website ensure accuracy of translations?.
answer: .
In the 1954 court case in Scotland regarding Douglas Walsh and jws being exempt from military service. Was fred Franz asked to translate a single bible verse and couldn't.
Lucian was a satirist.
Josephus was born in 37ce not a eyewitness.
A complete copy of his works is dated to around 1100 ce ,so about a 1000 years after the so called events. So there's probably little or nothing of early work, and some of the comments regarding jesus are written in a different style to how josephus wrote. So there's a great probability that the comments were inserted at a later date. So not a reliable source.
So julius caesar made up events and told lies, I see a pattern forming here .
Thanks for clearing that up for me, the death and resurrection account is a made up event and a lie and then embellished decades later by the anonymous authors of the four gospels and yet sadly people today still believe it to be true.
You can't report on something (miracles)that never happened. So no historical accounts will exist.
There's absolutely nothing in the gospels, or the entire Bible for that matter, that points to anything Christ did including the resurrection, that should be recorded and verified
Raising dead people back to life , feeding ten thousand people with a few loaves and fishes. Healing thousands of people with various ailments, walking on water etc ,sun going dark for 3 hours ,temple curtain ripped in two ,earthquake and the resurrection of the dead in Jerusalem at his death .
Possibly these things might get someone's attention.
His reply to bart ,it's a good thing when these people question each other's opinions leds to progress and further research. That what led bart to agnosticism because of his questioning things and doing further research.
Your thoughts on habermas link ?
You still have not provided independent and verified eyewitnes evidence of jesus resurrection.
Sea breeze please check this link.
Richard Carrier PhD Historian, has YouTube videos and has published many peer reviewed books on the subject of jesus and if he was a real person.
What I meant was that as he is a evangelical Christian who takes the bible seriously and believes that jesus is his saviour, he will be influenced by his beliefs. I heard of a geologist with a PhD still believed that the earth is 6000 years old Influenced by his beliefs.
You have yet to provide independent and verified eyewitnes and historical evidence of the resurrection of jesus at the time it was supposedly happen.